Leader of Men by John Coleman
  • John Coleman

  • Leader of Men
  • 22.25 x 26 in.
  • Frame Size:32.5 x 36.5 in.
  • Oil
  • SOLD
  • Draw:
    If you have an interest in submitting your name on a piece in the fixed price draw, you can do so in person at any time or by calling InSight Gallery at 830.997.9920 prior to 6:00 pm CST on Saturday, October 8th, 2022.

    In most Native American cultures, the full eagle war bonnet is the ultimate symbol of power and prestige. From an artistic design point of view, it subliminally mirrors strength in nature. As in rays of the sun, or in this case, the mane of a lion. Leader of Men is a simple statement of a warrior who possesses accoutrements of a successful history as a tribal leader and in his expression, a sense of quiet dignity.
Leader of Men
John Coleman
22.25 x 26 in.      Framed: 32.5 x 36.5 in.
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A price quote alone does not constitute a hold on the item.
All items remain property of Insight Gallery until paid in full.