Apache Women Warriors - Lozen and Dahteste by Jeremy Winborg
  • Jeremy Winborg

  • Apache Women Warriors - Lozen and Dahteste
  • 30 x 40 in.
  • Frame Size:38 x 48 in.
  • Oil
  • Price:$23,000
  • Lozen and Dahteste were both remarkable Chokonen Chiricahua Apache women known for their bravery and leadership. They both exemplified the spirit of Apache resistance and fought alongside Geronimo. Lozen was a gifted medicine woman and was considered a prophet. She had the gift of knowing where her enemies were hiding or coming from. She was highly revered in her tribe and often went on raids with the men. She was described as a shield to her people. Dahteste was known for her bravery and strength. It was said that she could out-run, out-shoot, out-hunt, and out-fight the men. She spoke English and Spanish and helped negotiate between her tribe and the United States military during the Apache Wars. This painting honors Lozen and Dahteste and brings attention to their often-forgotten history.
Apache Women Warriors - Lozen and Dahteste
Jeremy Winborg
30 x 40 in.      Framed: 38 x 48 in.
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