Summer Ute Camp by Oreland C. Joe, Sr.
  • Oreland C. Joe, Sr.

  • Summer Ute Camp
  • 18 x 24 in.
  • Frame Size:22.5 x 28.5 in.
  • Oil
  • SOLD
  • The Capote/Mouache Ute bands inhabited the Rocky Mountains of present day Colorado.
    This band in particular lived in small bands in the San Luis Valley near the Rio Grande River.
    The bands moved high into the aspens as summer neared where resources were plenty for hunting, shelter and ceremonial practice. The painting reflects such a place in the high mountains.

    Clouds appear in the afternoon bringing light rain upon the camp. In the sky is an eagle, depicting the people are strong. They use the symbol as a source of power to protect the bands against neighboring tribes.

    The sun is a pinkish-orange, dream like ball of fire slowly moving across the hazy blue sky.
    In camp, an older woman is preparing a fire for a meal as a mother and child leisurely ride the length of the quiet camp.

    In a few weeks it will be time to move again to a new place - a place of renewal and peace.
Summer Ute Camp
Oreland C. Joe, Sr.
18 x 24 in.      Framed: 22.5 x 28.5 in.
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