Valley Floor Sunrise by Jill Carver
  • Jill Carver

  • Valley Floor Sunrise
  • 24 x 48 in.
  • Frame Size:29 x 53 in.
  • Oil
  • SOLD
  • This depicts the valley floor in which I live and morning dog walks reveal an endless bounty of material. So many aspects of this scene provide a fascinating interaction of elements: the receding cast-shadow shape as the sun rises above the mountains behind me, lighting up the golden aspen; the contrast between the still, rich reflections of the beaver pond versus the blue violet of the running stream; and the delicate balance of light and shadow within the valley floor which, while still in shadow, is somehow luminous despite that. My studio and home is actually tucked into the trees beyond the distant riverbank.
Valley Floor Sunrise
Jill Carver
24 x 48 in.      Framed: 29 x 53 in.
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